Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Doriannicole in Korea, vol 4

Pictures can be found in album (Doriannicole in Korea, vol 4)- Numbers correspond to numbers in Album!

NOTE: This week, I have to begin by apologizing for my Whitney-Houston’s-a-crack-head comment last week. I have been informed that Bobby left and she is ‘no longer in the drug thing.’ My source even submitted photos to corroborate this story. So, Sam, Whitney Houston WAS a crack head and she is permanently brain damaged because of it (whitney)...Now, on to me and my life in Korea!

DORIANNICOLE. That’s what everything says. I have no last name here. I am like Madonna. Just Doriannicole. My bank account is opened under DORIANNICOLE. My driver’s license says DORIANNICOLE M. My Alien Registration Card says DORIANNICOLE. Haynes just isn’t an option. So, great. One less thing for me to worry about. I even sign receipts and the forms for work DORIANNICOLE too... I do everything with the one name. J

My birthday celebration has been quite grand. I began the celebration at work on Friday, lunch with the coworkers ( Friday 1 ) Then, on Friday night, after work (around 11:00pm, I changed my shirt and headed out (Friday 3). Of course, I did not return home until 8:30am Saturday morning(Friday 39, 40 ). I was exhausted, couldn't even keep my hair in a pony tail! (Friday 38). We celebrated merrily at a variety of dance clubs. I must say, I love the Koreans! They think I can dance! It still amazes me! I met some cool expatriates and met up with some that I'd met previously. We danced, acted silly (Friday 14), danced some more, and had a great time. I DID have to get a little ignorant with one of the Korean guys( I think he stalked me the whole night) who thought I was 'easy.' (Friday 10)His English was poor, so he said what he thought pretty damn bluntly. I said what I thought, equally as bluntly, smiled and moved on to have a wonderful time. (Friday 14: I hadn't noticed yet, Friday 18:What in the hell??, Friday 23: You'd better back up!, Friday 24: Now, back to dancing!)- Thanks Aaron for snapping pictures and catching this!

Saturday, I slept till 1pm, went to Itaewon, and found a wonderful birthday gift! BLACK PEOPLE!!! A WHOLE BAR FULL OF THEM, playing spades and shooting pool, no less! (Saturday 42, 43) Now, for some of my non-colored amigos, I must a place like Korea, nothing is more comforting than finding that many black know why? Because, like in America, the Asians know how to keep us happy! I found collard greens, cornbread (one of my favorite foods, thanks Daddy for the nickname), FRIED CHICKEN (yes, i'm sure it was chicken), macaroni and cheese (different cheese but same idea), and a whole lot of stuff I don't eat. It was here that I learned that 'ethnic foods' usually have same names but with uh after each word...i.e (icecream = ice-uh cr-uh-eam-uh)...No, I'm not just being ignorant, it's true! Tell'em Mike! I also met a girl there who is from NC, has same birthday, same blood type, and lots of other random things in twin (Saturday 41)

I also found a nice new supermarket! It has many of the things I love from home. Not everything, but hey, it's a start. American food is EXPENSIVE... like $7 for some salad dressing! And I'm not talking my Kraft Light Done Right! dressing. But I digress! I met up with some local G.I's and negotiated some base exchanges. They understand my pain and are willing to help me out with a few things...gotta love being brown!! Can you say HOOK UP! Again, there are some things I can't get but I'm getting there!

Saturday night, I enjoyed a night of Salsa dancing.(Saturday 2- Salsa Club) I had a blast! I can Salsa a little but this one Korean girl, a coworker of mine (actually sort of a boss) took us out. And she can DANCE!! WHOA!! I mean, she was flipping and twirling, and the attitude...she stands no more than 4'11'' but could outdance any latina! I was/am impressed. (Saturday 11, 16)I have attached photos but still images don't catch the essence of the dance. She is the girl in the red skirt! I was great during the random Soul train line (Saturday 27) The Salsa group was finally ready to leave (Saturday 31) When we left there, we went to eat breakfast (yes it was like 7am). I got home at 8:30 and slept till about 2pm.

On Sunday, I went to the bookstore. I have Korean books but they are not well written. I am as confused after I read as I was before I started. I needed to find something to help me learn some words. So, I went back to my wonderful educational resources and decided I was going to use picture cards! Thanks, Dr. van Olphen! So, I went to the children's section of the bookstore and bought 'readers'. Readers are flashcards, pictures on one side, korean words on the otherside. I have been using them everyday. What's great is that in a city of 24 million people, I have an unlimited supply of teachers. If I am on the train, trying to write something out in Korean, or pronouncing the words, or otherwise practicing, they will not hesitate to come and correct any mistakes I may make. Many older women, rub my back (which is sort of annoying) and smile. They tap my arm, as if to encourage me... no personal space here. But it's okay. I am getting used to it.

Monday, I ran errands and went to work (Monday 1-Ready for work). Such has been my life for the last couple of days. Today, my day off, was spent, where? AT WORK! This is going to be a NICE paycheck! :) After work though, I got all dressed up to go to one of Korea's nicest restaurants, Outback Steakhouse.(Monday 3) Yes, I'm serious. I'm still living in a hotel because have been working at a branch different from mine. It is in the far north of Seoul and I will be in the far south. So, to save a miserable commute, they have me centrally located. I am getting tired of not having a kitchen, but it's free to me, room/maid service- they like to dress my bear (Monday, 6), and an unlimited supply of Ramen noodles! I don't eat the ramen unless I am in an emergency. I am stocking them up to have in the event of a natural disaster... For fun, I also empty the random condom tray (I've not seen smaller condoms- it must be true! ) I'm sure the maids think I am a freak but it's fun nevertheless.

That's it for me. Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I enjoyed all of the e-cards! Oh yeah! I drove today! Not far, like 8km but it was very scary... that's probably the last time for me!

Have a great day!(or, as my mom would say, fake it!)


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