Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Years!! A Resolution of Unity and Peace

Greetings! Happy New Year to everyone! I hope the new year has been great so far. As a new year's resolution, I would like to do better about keeping in touch with my friends and family. I am hoping to take the time to reconnect with old friends, make and enjoy new friends, and to bridge some gaps among family members. Life is about more than our careers, our titles, our perceived successes and failures or our possessions. Every moment is so precious. Truthfully, at the end of the day, all any of us really have as our own are the relationships with others and the legacies we leave behind.

As the subject indicates, I am in Mississippi. It's a temporary assignment for more training. I am doing well, I am happy for the moment. We all know how hard it is for me to keep still, so expect a new email with a new location soon!

Some of you I've spoken to in the last 10 minutes; others I haven't spoken to in 10 months. Either way, shoot me an email letting me know how you are doing and what's going on in your world! I wish you the best 2009 has to offer!!

Lots of Hugs and Kisses!


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