Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lesson 1: The ABCs of You

The ABC’s of You

As with any relationship, things must start from the beginning. For me, as a teacher, that’s usually the ABCs. One thing about the ABCs is that once you learn them, you usually never forget them. The same holds true for you.

Each letter of the alphabet forms words, which form sentences, which form meaning. You have earned your letters and allowed me to begin to form meaning. Thank you.

Confidently Charming,
Down to
Fine as hell,
Getatable but guarded, Gentle,
Honest, Hard working,
Introspective, Impressive, Intelligent
Kindhearted, Knowledgeable
Liberating, Loving,
Magnanimous, Meaningful,
Normal (while still rare! SMILE),
Positive, Productive,
Respectful, Respectable, Right,
Sexy, Sophisticated, Sensual,
Tough, Talented,
Understanding, Undeniable, Unprecedented,
WOW! Witty and with
X-ray vision into my mind,
Yoga couldn’t relax me more,
Zealous, zestful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I know you are seeing someone! From where comes this inspiration? What is his name? Love Letter. LS, Touch, need to call me ASAP!!!