Monday, November 12, 2007


On a daily basis, I am asked whether or not I am ALWAYS this happy. And, all who know me usually respond for me (with eyes rolling) with a resounding YES!

It is said that misery loves company. Rarely, if ever, do we consider that happiness also loves company. People want to be happy. I find that we just don't share our happiness as quickly and as openly as we do our misery. So, everyday, I set out to share God's blessings with others.

I don't necessarily have to testify how God has blessed me to share my love for life. I have found that even small doses of laughter, smiles, sincerity, hugs, etc. go a long way. Sharing my joy comes in many forms. I laugh, I smile, I counsel others, I help whenever and how ever I can, and I do only what I can do with a happy heart.

Love of life means love of people. It means love of God. And it means love of self. So each day, I love my neighbors like I love myself. I treat everyone the way I would like to be treated. I try desperately to handle difficult situations in a way that would make God happy.

All of this translates to a life filled with passion, zest, joy, and power. To be blessed with a life that inspires, a life that empowers, a life that enhances, and a life that is dedicated to do good deeds,and glorify His name, is all I ask God for each day.