Each day you live is a blessing, and each challenge you face is a blessing within that blessing. I know that, at times, it seems easier to just throw your hands up and quit, but then you walk away defeated. But when you persist, even when the outcome seems unfavorable, you have succeeded; for you have learned something, challenged yourself in ways never imagined, and attempted to do the impossible. For that, you wouldn’t be a failure but braver than the bravest lion and stronger than the strongest animal. On the other hand, if your efforts result in your favorable outcome, then, you have won all the way around.
While you are in battle, facing those challenges head on, be careful not to lose sight of your goal. If you aren’t sure of your goal; stop, step back, and find it. Be sure of your goal. Fighting a battle for no cause (or the wrong cause) is an unforgiving waste of energy and effort. It also ensures that you never succeed in attaining that goal.
Finally, when you are in the trenches, fighting for your life, remember to smile at your neighbor (and thank the Lord for the small miracle when he/she smiles back.) Never let your challenges or obstacles be so large that they cast a shadow over your life. You must still find time to smell the proverbial roses, to find yourself in someone’s loving embrace, to enjoy the many other blessings God has given you. Each day is a new start, the first day of the rest of your life. Don’t hesitate to live life richly as no one is promised even the next moment. So, in this sense, tomorrow could be your first and last day. Live it as such.